from the Logee's growers



Bougainvilleas - Spectacular color, foliage and form attract gardeners to bougainvilleas. We grow over 20 varieties. 

How to Flower Bougainvilleas:

• Bring to a wilt between waterings.

• Give full sun.

• As seasons change, they respond to increase and decrease in day length.

• Flowers form on the growing tips, so don’t prune until after flowering.

One Way to Winter Over Bougainvilleas:

• Keep in an above-freezing cold spot. Bougainvilleas will go into a dormancy, dropping leaves.

• Store in a cold attic or basement with little light. 

• Water once or twice through the winter.

• In spring, move them into a sunny window and start culturing them again; soon they will come into flower. 

Pruning Bougainvilleas:

• Once blooming cycle ends, prune severely in late winter or after heavy flowering cycle. Or prune leads selectively anytime growth is excessive.

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