from the Logee's growers

Epiphyllums, The "Orchid Cacti" - How to Flower

We try to mimic their native habitat of Central and South America. We give them a period of dryness with cool nighttime temperatures in the winter. In the summer, we give them lots of water, imitating the rainy season.

Growing Tips

• Totally restrict water from November until buds begin to appear in late winter/early spring; begin watering at this time.

• Keep nighttime temperatures from the mid 50°’s to high 30°'s during the winter.

• Blooms open sequentially over 2-3 weeks in the spring.

• Increase moisture and fertilizer in the summertime.

• Flowers form off of last years growth of summer.

• Therefore, only prune after flowering. 

• Use a well drained, porous potting mix.

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