from the Logee's growers

Hibiscus Tips For Growing 

• Sun, sun and more sun. 

• They are warm-growing plants and suffer if subjected to cool temperatures over extended periods. As a rule, keep temperatures above 65°F, especially in the winter.

• Water on visual soil dryness or plant wilt. Severe wilt can hurt them. Careful watering is critical during the winter or anytime when the light level is low and temperatures are cool.

• Under high light and warm temperatures they are heavy feeders and need a balanced fertilizer applied on a regular basis.  A fertilizer like Dyna Gro “Grow” 7-9-5 will help induce blooms. 

• Flowering varies widely between varieties.  Full sun, warm temperatures, a balanced fertilizer and careful attention to watering will produce the best results for your hibiscus.

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