Hardiness Zone | 8 |
Bloom Season | Spring, Winter |
Sun Requirement | Partial Sun |
Grows to | 2-3' |
Minimum Temperature Indoors | 35 |
Plant Type | Fragrant |
Tips for Success:
• Use fertilizer only at the beginning of active growth.
• Water when soil surface appears dry and then
thoroughly saturate the root ball.
• Give partial sun year-round.
• Give 30-40°F nighttime temperatures during the winter.
Warm nights during the winter time will cause “bud blast.”
Up to 59°F is okay.
• Give a slightly acidic soil between (soil ph between 4.8 - 5.8)
• Pinch back young cuttings to get full and bushy growth,
although this discourages flowering early on.
• 1 tablespoon of Epsom Salts/ one gallon of water given twice a
year supplies their magnesium requirements.