Variegated Hoya obovata ‘Splash’ (Hoya obovata variegata)

Variegated Hoya obovata ‘Splash’ (Hoya obovata variegata)

Variegated Hoya obovata ‘Splash’ (Hoya obovata variegata)

This variegated version of Hoya obovata is a fast-growing plant with waxy, green leaves that have yellow variegation in the center of each leaf with splashes of white throughout. Easy to flower and slightly fragrant, the pink bloom clusters appear in summer. Grow in a partially sunlit window in a hanging basket or in a pot with a trellis for support. Flowering and variegation are dependent on the intensity of light. This beautiful, easy-care hoya is treasured by rare plant collectors.
2.5" Pot Size
In stock 42 available
More Information
Hardiness Zone 10
Bloom Season Summer
Sun Requirement Partial Sun
Grows to 1-3'
Minimum Temperature Indoors 60
Plant Type Easy Grower, Fragrant, Good for a Hanging Basket

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