Amydrium zippelianum (Amydrium zippelianum)

Amydrium zippelianum (Amydrium zippelianum)

Amydrium zippelianum (Amydrium zippelianum)

This uncommon aroid has attractive palmate leaves and it brings an exotic ambience to your indoor garden. It’s a vigorous climber so it needs a support stake or moss pole to attach to, and the leaves get larger as the plant climbs. Grow in bright, indirect light with a little morning sun, allow the soil to dry to the touch between waterings and fertilize monthly. Amydrium zippelianum makes an attractive addition to any houseplant collection.
2.5" Pot Size
In stock 9 available
More Information
Hardiness Zone 11
Sun Requirement Partial Sun
Grows to 2-5'
Minimum Temperature Indoors 60
Plant Type Easy Grower

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