Begonia luxurians (Begonia fibrous species)

Begonia luxurians (Begonia fibrous species)

Begonia luxurians (Begonia fibrous species)

Unusual palmate leaves with a draping style make this stunning plant a must-have for any home. Reminiscent of a character in a “Dr. Seuss” book, plumes of white flowers emerge late spring through summer. This fibrous species comes from the rainforest of Brazil, and can grow up to 8-10’ tall. Prune after flowering to maintain size. Avoid high heat but give partial sun and bright light for best growing results.
2.5" Pot Size
In stock 11 available
More Information
Hardiness Zone 10
Bloom Season Spring, Summer
Sun Requirement Partial Sun
Grows to 8-10'
Minimum Temperature Indoors 60

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