Begonias are some of the easiest plants to grow in containers. This group of warm-loving plants was originally found in the forest understory in tropical and subtropical areas. Foliage begonias, like rex begonias, are grown for their fancy leaves that have many beautiful colors highlighted by unusual markings and swirls in the foliage. They make a sensational statement when grown on a partially sunlit windowsill. Flowering begonias, like Begonia boliviensis hybrids, are usually grown as annuals in the summer garden. Many new varieties are non-stop bloomers and some perform well in full sun or partial shade. Below are a few of the most popular begonia plants at Logee's that customers just love. (You can see all of our begonia plants here.)
Begonia maculata 'Wightii' is currently our top selling begonia. Festive, cheerful innocence describes this fancy begonia nicknamed "Polka Dot." Large, dramatic silver spots and matching white flowers are some of 'Wightii's' best features.
A vigorous grower, Begonia ‘Amelia's Kaleidoscope’ features coppery-bronze juvenile leaves that mature to chartreuse-lime with a decorative netting pattern.
Perfectly named, Begonia ‘Ring of Fire’ makes a dramatic statement with its silvery leaves adorned with vibrant red leaf edges, bright red leaf centers and deep green veins.
Begonia ‘Richardsiana’ has small maple-shaped leaves and it flowers freely from spring to fall with the pearly white blossoms hanging like jewels among the sprawling branches. Perfect for bonsai or just potted on the windowsill, this semi-tuberous species from South Africa brings sculptured form to the indoor garden.
Logee’s has been hybridizing begonias for many years. Logee’s owner and horticulturist, Byron Martin, has recently introduced Begonia ‘Autumn Ember’ that has taken the begonia world by storm for its bright orange foliage. ‘Autumn Ember’ is a groundbreaking begonia for its rare and unusual color.
Below are some of the more popular begonias with our customers this season:
Begonias grow best in warm temperatures when the minimum temperature doesn’t fall below 60°F. Foliage begonias need bright indirect light so they prefer an east or west-facing window. Flowering begonias, grown as annuals in the summer garden, have varying light requirements depending on the variety. Some need partial shade; others perform well in full sun.
Fertilize your begonias with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the active growing season in summer. Begonias should be grown in well-drained soil, and it’s best to allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Flowering begonias can benefit from pinching back long stems to encourage more side branching that increases the overall fullness. Watch the video below for more information on how to grow and care for begonias.
Begonias are some of the easiest and most rewarding plants to grow as indoor house plants or as plants for your garden. You can learn more about how to grow and care for begonias, and discover some of the most popular types of begonia plants for sale at Logee's below: