Dwarf Tree Jasmine (Radermachera kunming)

Dwarf Tree Jasmine (Radermachera kunming)

Dwarf Tree Jasmine (Radermachera kunming)

A great plant for container gardeners, this variety of Dwarf Tree Jasmine has dense shiny green foliage that tolerates low light situations common in homes. If it's grown under bright light, it produces larger clusters of highly fragrant blooms. The light pink to white 2" flowers have a bright orange-yellow throat and form in terminal clusters with blooms emerging over several weeks. Flowering occurs mainly in the summer although we do see it bloom intermittently through the year. This native of South East Asia is tolerant to cool night temperatures often found in Northern sunrooms and greenhouses.
4" Pot Size
Currently Unavailable
More Information
Hardiness Zone 10
Bloom Season Summer
Sun Requirement Full Sun, Partial Sun
Grows to 3-6'
Minimum Temperature Indoors 40
Plant Type Fragrant

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