Fuchsia ‘Lord Beaconsfield’ (Fuchsia hybrid)

Fuchsia ‘Lord Beaconsfield’ (Fuchsia hybrid)

Fuchsia ‘Lord Beaconsfield’ (Fuchsia hybrid)

Given to us by Longwood Gardens, ’Lord Beaconsfield’ is an unbelievably heat-and-sun-tolerant fuchsia. In our trial gardens, it has grown with good vigor and prolific blooms for the past two summers. Its attractive pendulous flowers have four long slender red sepals and four short purple petals that create a majestic display in a hanging basket. ‘Lord Beaconsfield’ flowers reliably from spring to fall. This fuchsia tolerated full sun in our Connecticut gardens, but in warmer zones morning sun or partial sun is probably best. Our friends at Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania wanted to share this special fuchsia with us to make sure it gets out in the marketplace so gardeners everywhere will always have their beloved ‘Lord Beaconsfield.’ We recommend 3 pots for a large 10” hanging basket.
2.5" Pot Size
Currently unavailable
More Information
Hardiness Zone 10
Bloom Season Fall, Summer
Sun Requirement Partial Sun, Shade
Grows to 14"
Minimum Temperature Indoors 60

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