Heart Fern (Hemionitis arifolia)

Heart Fern (Hemionitis arifolia)

Heart Fern (Hemionitis arifolia)

Often grown as a miniature, Heart Fern has leathery green leaves that perfectly resemble a heart. The leaves rise up to 10” tall on thin, stiff, black stems. With an open form, its shape and texture add a focal point to a terrarium or windowsill garden. For optimum care, the soil needs to be evenly moist but Heart Fern plant can withstand the dryness of the home environment as well as any shade-loving plant.
4" Pot Size
In stock 15 available
More Information
Hardiness Zone 10
Sun Requirement Shade
Grows to 10"
Minimum Temperature Indoors 50
Plant Type Good for a Terrarium

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