Queen of Sheba Vine (Podranea brycei)

Queen of Sheba Vine (Podranea brycei)

Queen of Sheba Vine (Podranea brycei)

Pink trumpet-like flowers put on a spectacular show nearly the whole year long. We started a small cutting of this tropical vine at the beginning of summer and it grew so fast that by the summer’s end, it was a 4’ bushy shrub full of flowers. The blossoms have a light fragrance. It’s thought to be a native of Africa but Queen of Sheba Vine is entirely different from Podranea ricasoliana, a wild and often unmanageable vine. Queen of Sheba Vine can be maintained as an upright shrub with judicious pruning and since it’s nearly everblooming, prune it anytime leads get out of form.
4" Pot Size
In stock 18 available
More Information
Hardiness Zone 10
Bloom Season Fall, Spring, Summer
Sun Requirement Partial Sun
Grows to 1-4'
Minimum Temperature Indoors 60
Plant Type Fragrant

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