Tiny-leaf Porcelain Flower Hoya  (Hoya curtisii)

Tiny-leaf Porcelain Flower Hoya (Hoya curtisii)

Tiny-leaf Porcelain Flower Hoya (Hoya curtisii)

This tiny creeper is one of the smallest hoyas we grow with ½" heart-shaped leaves accented by silver mottling. Its habit is dense with a clinging nature that covers the container like a mat. Perfect for use as a ground cover in the pots of larger plants. The flowers have a lovely fragrance.
2.5" Pot Size
In stock 2 available
More Information
Hardiness Zone 10
Bloom Season Intermittent
Sun Requirement Partial Sun
Grows to 1.5- 3'
Minimum Temperature Indoors 50
Plant Type Easy Grower, Good for a Hanging Basket

Tips for Success:

• Easy-to-grow houseplants with a very resilient nature

• Give them partial sunlight in a north or east window

• They will live for years in the same pot

• These low maintenance plants should be watered when the
   soil is dry to the touch

• Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer during the active growing
  season in summer

• Cooler night temperatures and shortened day length stimulate
   bloom for some hoyas

• Many hoyas flower during the spring, summer or fall seasons

• Some have a delightful floral scent

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