Hardiness Zone | 10 |
Sun Requirement | Partial Sun |
Grows to | 14" |
Minimum Temperature Indoors | 60 |
Plant Type | Good for a Hanging Basket |
Tips for Success:
• Place in good light; some direct sunlight is needed.
• Accurate watering – Bring plant to a slight wilt between
• Moderate fertilizer once a month. Stop fertilizer in the winter.
• Keep humidity above 50% and night temperatures above
• Growth cycle slows and stops for 2-3 months in the winter.
Plants can lose some leaves during this resting period.
This is normal. Continue normal watering.
• Use terra cotta or clay pots.
• Keep an eye out for mildew to which Rexes have some
Treating Mildew
• Identify - Appears as a white powder on the surface of the
leaves, usually at the change of seasons.
• Treatment - Apply a baking soda solution -1Tbl/quart with a
dribble of dishwashing detergent.
• Application - Spray at first signs and reapply every other day for
4-5 applications.
• Prevention - Spray once every 3 months. Pure Neem Oil is
effective on mildew.