Sweet Kumquat Tree ‘Meiwa’ (Fortunella crassifolia)

Sweet Kumquat Tree ‘Meiwa’ (Fortunella crassifolia)

Sweet Kumquat Tree ‘Meiwa’ (Fortunella crassifolia)

'Meiwa’ is known as the Sweet Kumquat with the typical golden-orange colored fruit that other kumquat trees have. Yet eating a ‘Meiwa’ kumquat is a delight unto itself. Pop the entire large gumball-sized fruit into your mouth and allow the sweet flavors to permeate your senses. ‘Meiwa’ is not available commercially like ‘Nagami’ (the oval kumquat) but they are easily grown in a home environment as long as you have a sunny window and keep the root system healthy by drying the soil a little between waterings. The highly fragrant blooms arrive in summer with fruit ripening during the winter, usually from December through April. This is the perfect plant to give you that vitamin C boost in the dead of winter. Our grafted plant blooms and fruits sooner.

4" Pot Size
Grafted Plant
In stock 50 available

Shipping Note: Cannot be shipped to TX, FL, AZ, CA

More Information
Hardiness Zone 9, 10
Bloom Season Summer
Sun Requirement Full Sun
Grows to 2-4'
Minimum Temperature Indoors 50
Plant Type Fragrant

Container Grown Citrus

Keep the root systems healthy and active. A period of dryness helps stimulate flowers and fruiting. Mimic Florida’s climate- wet summers and dry fall/winters.

Most important for potted citrus:

• Full sun and high light. The more the better.
• For faster growth and an active root system,
   grow them warm.

• Do not over pot.
• Grow in clay pots for optimum root health.
• Fertilize spring through fall. 
• High light aids in flowering and fruiting.
• Fertilize in growing season 1-2 times a month.
• Water when the soil is visually dry or at first signs of wilt.

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