Winter Jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum)

Winter Jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum)

Winter Jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum)

Sweeten the winter days with a blizzard of snow-white flowers. A vine by nature, Winter Jasmine also makes an excellent hanging basket. Known for its vigorous growth and ease of culture, all that’s needed is a sunny, cool window during fall and winter for optimum growth and bud set. This plant enhances the home with fragrance and reminds us that spring is just around the corner. Grow in full sun.
$16.95 - $22.95
More Information
Hardiness Zone 8, 9, 10
Bloom Season Winter
Sun Requirement Full Sun
Grows to 1-3'
Minimum Temperature Indoors 35
Plant Type Fragrant, Good for a Hanging Basket

How to Bloom Jasminum polyanthum

The blooming cycle of this jasmine is induced by environmental conditions. Cool nighttime temperatures, kept below 60° and above freezing on a consistent basis, initiate the flower buds. Once buds have formed, continue to keep the night temperatures on the cool side so as not to force active growth. When color in the buds is showing, warming them up will hasten the flowering. Pruning can take place once the flowering cycle is complete but no later than early to mid-summer. Another cultural requirement is high light level. They need to be grown under as much light as possible even though the day length may be short.

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