Anthurium wendlingeri

Anthurium wendlingeri (Anthurium wendlingeri)

Anthurium wendlingeri (Anthurium wendlingeri)

This rare anthurium is a sight to behold with its showy draping leaves that can reach 5-6’ long. The leaves have a velvety texture on the upper surface. It’s best to grow in a hanging basket to give the plant ample room for these long leaves to dangle. A corkscrew inflorescence emerges in spring on mature plants and after pollination it’s covered with small, bright red fruit that each contain 1-5 seeds. Grow in bright, indirect light and fertilize once a month. Anthurium wendlingeri is a rare offering for any aroid collector.
2.5" Pot Size
In stock 90 available
More Information
Hardiness Zone 11
Bloom Season Spring
Sun Requirement Partial Sun
Grows to 1-2'
Minimum Temperature Indoors 60
Plant Type Good for a Hanging Basket

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