Best plants for the office

Best Office Plants - 15 Plants to Beautify Your Office

Plants for your office are a way to create connection with nature and add beauty and calm to an otherwise sterile environment.  Whether used in a home office or commercial office, living plants add dimension, texture and color as well as provide natural air cleaning. Depending on the light exposure of your office, plants that thrive under low light conditions work well. Easy care is another characteristic that makes an office plant desirable. Most of these plants only require watering once or twice a week and will fill your office space with greenery for you to enjoy. Here are fifteen amazing plants that are perfect for almost any office...

Silver Monstera

Silver Monstera for sale

Silver Monstera

Silver Monstera, or Monstera siltepecana, is a wonderful houseplant with showy grayish-green leaves that have prominent dark green leaf veins and lighter silvery-green tones throughout each leaf. This fast-growing vine is easy to grow in a pot or hanging basket or allow it to climb up a trellis or moss pole. If allowed to climb, the leaves grow larger and may develop the characteristic holes, or fenestrations, that are a trait of most plants in the monstera genus. Grow in bright indirect light in a well-draining potting mix.
 ⇨ Learn more about Silver Monstera

Alocasia ‘Black Velvet’

Alocasia ‘Black Velvet’ for sale

Alocasia ‘Black Velvet’

Alocasia ‘Black Velvet’ has fantastic foliage. The dark green to black leaves make a striking statement on a windowsill or interior scape. Give bright indirect light and water accurately, by keeping it evenly moist but not waterlogged, so the root system stays healthy. It’s known as a jewel alocasia for its size, textured leaf, and ease of culture.
 ⇨ Learn more about Alocasia ‘Black Velvet’

Creeping Peperomia

Creeping Peperomia for sale

Creeping Peperomia

Creeping Peperomia, or String of Turtles, is easy to grow and has small, green, rounded leaves that display purple venation on new growth that matures to white as the plant ages. Brighter light results in more intense colors. It looks great in a hanging basket where it can attractively display its cascading foliage. Or place on top of a file cabinet and let the stems hang down. Water lightly when the soil is dry since the succulent-like leaves store water. Creeping Peperomia is an ideal plant for a terrarium or vivarium since the small foliage has a creeping habit and it thrives in high humidity.
Learn more about Creeping Peperomia

Life Saver Plant

Life Saver Plant for sale

Life Saver Plant

We love this next choice for its amazing five-pointed, yellow, star-shaped flowers that are banded in coppery brown with a dark red lifesaver rim making it appropriately named Life Saver Plant (Huernia zebrina). This low-growing succulent has 4-sided stems with soft teeth at the edges and the flowers emerge intermittently. Life Saver Plant is easy-to-grow since it loves full sun and dryness between waterings. It’s perfect for a sunny windowsill and will tolerate neglectful watering.
 ⇨ Learn more about Life Saver Plant

Hoya 'Royal Hawaiian Purple'

Hoya 'Royal Hawaiian Purple' for sale

Hoya 'Royal Hawaiian Purple'

This Hoya pubicalyx hybrid called Royal Hawaiian Purple is a highly sought-after hoya with 3” umbels of fragrant, star-shaped flowers that appear deep purple to black with complementary pink tones. The juvenile leaves have bronze highlights, and the mature green leaves have decorative silver flecking. ‘Royal Hawaiian Purple’ is an enduring plant that thrives in low light and is considered to be an indestructible houseplant.
 ⇨ Learn more about Hoya 'Royal Hawaiian Purple'

Swiss Cheese Plant

Swiss Cheese Plant for sale

Swiss Cheese Plant

Monstera adansonii, also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant because of its fenestrations or holes that resemble swiss cheese. M. adansonii is an easy to grow houseplant with eye-catching foliage. Swiss Cheese Plant is meant to climb and when given a trellis or pole, it will reward you with larger leaves as the plant grows taller. Alternatively, when not climbing, the plant reverts to a more vine-like growth, sending out thin branches that look beautiful cascading from a hanging basket or draping over tables and windowsills. Depending on your space configuration, you can place high on a cabinet and let the plant cascade off a higher shelf or set on the floor or lower space and climb skyward. Monstera Adansonii prefers a fast-draining soil mix, bright, indirect light and plenty of humidity.
 ⇨ Learn more about Swiss Cheese Plant

Rosary Vine

Rosary Vine for sale

Rosary Vine

Also called String of Hearts, Rosary Vine is a perfect for those small office spaces with limited sunny windows. The small, succulent, heart-shaped leaves are accented by white veining and they drape over the edge of the pot or hanging basket in long chains. Small, mahogany and gray flowers add drama to this reliable and time-tested houseplant. Allow the soil to dry to the touch between waterings, and fertilize sparingly during the active growing season in spring and summer. It grows best in partial sunlight with some direct morning sun.
 ⇨ Learn more about Rosary Vine

Houseplant Myst

Houseplant Myst for sale

Houseplant Myst

We’ve included Houseplant Myst as an easy to use spray for nutrients and micro-nutrients to give healthy growth to indoor office plants. Simply spray on the leaves once or twice a week. It contains mineral and organic nutrients, marine plant extracts, humic acid, fulvic acid and pure plant oils to create a superior plant tonic that increases plant vitality. Simply mist the leaves and exposed roots once or twice a week. Suitable for all houseplants, cacti and succulents. Do not use on hairy-leaved plants or flowers. The 300 ml bottle comes with an easy-to-use trigger sprayer.
 ⇨ Learn more about Houseplant Myst

Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)

Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis) for sale

Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)

Looking for something usual to add to the standard office plants? It’s tea time! Harvest your own tea leaves from the young shoots of this famous plant. Depending on how you dry and cure the leaves you'll get black, green or white tea. Camellia sinensis is hardy in the southern United States, and perfect as a potted plant when grown in a cool spot indoors during the winter. Please keep in mind that tea plants need full sun exposure - these are not low-light plants.
 ⇨ Learn more about the Tea Plant

Tillandsia Ionantha Cluster

Tillandsia Ionantha Cluster for sale

Tillandsia Ionantha Cluster

This easy to grow living ball is attractive can be hung in any window. The new Tillandsia Cluster is comprised of many small Ionantha tillandsias that create a living ornament. The greenish-silver leaves begin to turn red prior to the purple flowers emerging. After the flowers die back, the leaves will gradually return to green. The Tillandsia Cluster produces more “pups,” or young plants, each year so it grows larger as it ages. Grow in bright filtered light and drench twice a week in water to keep the Tillandsia Cluster healthy. Comes with a hanging wire so you can place it in a window.
 ⇨ Learn more about the Tillandsia Ionantha Cluster

Thai Giant Euphorbia ‘7 Diamonds’

Thai Giant Euphorbia ‘7 Diamonds’ for sale

Thai Giant Euphorbia (milii hybrid) ‘7 Diamonds’

Thai Giant Euphorbia ‘7 Diamonds’ has white flowers with deep pink highlights on the petal edges and green petal flares. The flowers can reach 1-2” across and the blossoms appear in clusters during the spring and summer blooming season. Euphorbias are indestructible houseplants that thrive on neglect. Be sure to let the soil dry out between waterings. This easy-care plant will thrive on a sunny windowsill, or grow it outside during the warm summer months.
 ⇨ Learn more about Thai Giant Euphorbia ‘7 Diamonds’

Sansevieria ‘Boncel’

Sansevieria ‘Boncel’ for sale

Sansevieria ‘Boncel’ (Sansevieria cylindrica hybrid)

A rare and hard-to-find plant, Sansevieria ‘Boncel’ needs full sun for best growth but little water, making it a great plant for the office. Its round, stout leaves spread out in a fan shape with dark green concentric circles on each leaf. Young plants, or pups, will grow from the base of the plant and can be transplanted into other pots. A hybrid of Sansevieria cylindrical, ‘Boncel’ is more compact with its distinctive fan shape.
 ⇨ Learn more about Sansevieria ‘Boncel’

Calathea ‘White Star’

Calathea ‘White Star’ for sale

Calathea ‘White Star’ (Calathea majestica)

Calathea ‘White Star’ is grown for its stunning large green leaves accented with vivid white pinstripes and deep green leaf edges and a central leaf vein. A pink blush often appears that adds even more color to the foliage. Native to the Amazon rainforests, calatheas thrive in warm temperatures, high humidity, and indirect, dappled light. This rare plant is a cultivar of the Calathea ornata species.
 ⇨ Learn more about Calathea ‘White Star’


Best Plants for the Office - Summary
Going to work in an environment that is peaceful, engaging, dynamic and alive sparks creativity and we hope these plants will do just that or at the very least bring a perspective of nature to life. Whether it's your home office or corporate headquarters, with very little effort, you can enliven your office space with these beautiful plants for years to come!