Canistel Tree ‘Fairchild’ (Pouteria campechiana)

Canistel Tree ‘Fairchild’ (Pouteria campechiana)

Canistel Tree ‘Fairchild’ (Pouteria campechiana)

Also known as Egg Fruit, this tropical fruiting tree from Central America produces golden yellow fruit that ripen in late winter and have a dense firm texture and sweet delicious flavor. We have found that Canistel ‘Fairchild’ is perfectly suited for container growing, where it begins fruiting at a young age and is prolific in fruit production. The fruit is smaller than other varieties and has a pointed shape. It can be maintained with pruning at a height of 4-5’ tall and still be productive, with a container-grown tree producing 40 or more fruit a year.
4" Pot Size
Grafted Plant
Currently Unavailable
More Information
Hardiness Zone 9, 10
Bloom Season Spring, Summer
Sun Requirement Full Sun
Grows to 4-5'
Minimum Temperature Indoors 55

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