from the Logee's growers

Fragrant Flower Aromatherapy

By Laurelynn Martin and Byron Martin



Jasmine 'Maid of Orleans'

Jasmine 'Maid of Orleans'

Night Blooming Jasmine

Night Blooming Jasmine

Sweet Almond Verbena

Sweet Almond Verbena

Banana Shrub

Banana Shrub


Traditional aromatherapy uses the fragrance of essential plant oils as mood enhancers or stress relievers. At Logee's, we think the fragrance of flowers is good therapy too. Maybe we should call it "Flower Therapy!"


Smells remind us of certain memories. I read once that the scent of roses reminded a gardener of her mother because she used to wear rose-scented perfume when she tucked her in at night. For this woman, the fragrance of roses reminded her of her mother's calming energy. Today, this same woman is a prolific rose grower and surrounds herself with roses during stressful times.

At Logee's, our Retail greenhouses host many different fragrant flowers. Some of our favorites are the jasmines. Our Jasmine sambac varieties have a sweet yet refreshing scent that makes breathing in the lightly scented air a pleasure. Jasmine 'Maid of Orleans', an everbloomer, is one of our favorites for making jasmine water. Simply pick some of the flowers at night and put them in a covered pitcher of water. Place it in the refrigerator and by morning you will have a refreshing, lightly flavored water to start your day.

Another plant called Night Blooming Jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum) is not a jasmine at all but carries an intoxicating scent in the evenings. Especially welcome after a long day, Night Blooming Jasmine brings romance back to the evening. You may just want to sit with a glass of wine and inhale the possibilities.

Vanilla scent usually evokes memories associated with baking or a kitchen filled with aromatic homemade cookies. Sweet Almond Verbena (Aloysia virgata) reliably delivers that scrumptious fragrance. Its long spires of vanilla-scented white flowers have you enjoying home baked cookies and pastry without the calories. While we're on the topic of food, our "Flower Therapy" would not be complete without the tropical scent of the Banana Shrub (Michelia figo). These flowers are most fragrant in full sun when the delicious banana scent of the creamy yellow and blushed purple flowers can enliven your senses.

The frangipani fragrance of plumeria is another favorite at Logee's. Close your eyes and inhale the intoxicating scent that's reminiscent of warm sunny days and the white sandy shores of Hawaii. Now only imagine a Hawaiian lei, typically made with plumeria flowers, around your neck. Feel yourself relaxing and the stress melting away.

Another island favorite is Tahitian Gardenia (Gardenia taitensis). Gardenia fragrance is the sweet perfume that entices gardeners year-round. Other mainstay gardenias that have a home at Logee's are the jasminoides type. 'Belmont', 'Fortuniana', 'Frostproof' are just a few that have large creamy flowers and an inviting, heady scent.