Red Panama Rose (Rondeletia strigosa)

Red Panama Rose (Rondeletia strigosa)

Red Panama Rose (Rondeletia strigosa)

Bright red, 1” blooms accented by yellow centers have a rich mesmerizing nighttime fragrance. We have long used Red Panama Rose in hanging baskets where clusters of blooms emerge from its arching branches. The nighttime fragrance is notable in the early evening and carries on until morning. Red Panama Rose loves a bright location with plenty of sunshine, although it will bloom in partial shade. Rondeletia strigosa generally flowers for us from spring to fall, but if given warm, bright, growing conditions, it will flower sporadically in winter
2.5" Pot Size
Currently unavailable
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Hardiness Zone 10
Bloom Season Intermittent
Sun Requirement Full Sun, Partial Sun
Grows to 12-16"
Minimum Temperature Indoors 50
Plant Type Fragrant, Good for a Hanging Basket

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