Staghorn Fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)

Staghorn Fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)

Staghorn Fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)

Staghorn Ferns are magnificent plants found growing on tree trunks and branches in their natural environment. This epiphytic fern has two types of fronds: basal or shield fronds that protect the roots and hold the plant firmly wherever it is growing and fertile fronds that have the antler shape for which it is well-known. Staghorn ferns are long-lived. We have some growing at Logee’s that are more than 40 years old. Staghorn fern can be grown in a pot or mounted on a wooden plaque as shown in the photo.
4" Pot Size
Currently unavailable
More Information
Hardiness Zone 9, 10
Sun Requirement Partial Sun
Grows to 1-2'
Minimum Temperature Indoors 50

How to Mount your Staghorn Fern

Materials Needed:
• Mono-filament fishing line
• Slatted mounting board or box (12” x 12”).
  Use pressure treated lumber, cedar, or teak.
  Other woods can rot over time
• Sphagnum moss
• Heavy-duty tacks or staple gun


Steps to Mount:
1. If you’re mounting small “pup” plants, cut behind the sterile shield frond to remove the rhizome root along with the young plant. If you’re dividing a mother plant, cut behind the shield frond and lift out some of the shield frond and its roots.


2. Mound up a couple handfuls of sphagnum moss onto the mounting board. If your frond shield is very large use a larger mounting board.


3. Bury the roots in the moss.


4. Press the frond shield onto the mounded moss so it makes good contact.


5. Staple the mono-filament line behind the mounting board. Wrap the line around the board 3 times under the long fertile fronds and 3 times above the fertile fronds. Once secured, staple the mono-filament line to the back side of the board making sure its tight.


6. When a Staghorn is first mounted to a plaque, the mono-filament line will be visible. As the shields grow, they will hide the line.


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