Downy Jasmine (Jasminum multiflorum)

Downy Jasmine (Jasminum multiflorum)

Downy Jasmine (Jasminum multiflorum)

Downy Jasmine has the classic jasmine fragrance with clusters of pure white, fragrant, star-shaped flowers adorning this strong grower for three seasons of the year. In the northeast, the main flowering cycle is fall through winter into spring with active growth in the summertime. Grow in full sun in a pot with a stake or trellis for the plant to climb on or in a hanging basket. Downy Jasmine is an outstanding addition to your fragrant plant collection. Also called Jasminum pubescens since the stems and leaves are covered with fine, soft hairs.
4" Pot Size
In stock 3 available
More Information
Hardiness Zone 10
Bloom Season Fall, Spring, Winter
Sun Requirement Full Sun
Grows to 1-2'
Minimum Temperature Indoors 45
Plant Type Fragrant, Good for a Hanging Basket

Tips for Success:

Remember, they are warm, lowland tropical plants and need a warm root system. The most vigorous is ‘Maid of Orleans.’ Slower growing varieties are ‘Flore Plena’ and ‘Grand Duke.’

• Use clay pots to maintain healthy roots.

• Bring soil to visual dryness between waterings.

• Occasionally bring to a slight wilt between waterings.

• Moderate amounts of fertilizer, not heavy feeders.

• Stop feeding in winter.

• All respond well to pruning; best not to prune in winter when growth is slow.

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