Easter Cactus ‘Scorpius,’ ‘Colomba’ and ‘Sirius’ PP (Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri)
Enjoy a profusion of springtime flowers and a delightful color treat with this array of Easter Cactus that bloom from March until May. Each flower lasts for several weeks, opening every morning after sunrise and closing at sundown. The iridescent star-shaped blooms are born on the ends of the stems similar to Christmas cactus. In their native habitat, rhipsalidopsis grow as epiphytes in the forests of Brazil and other South American countries. Easter Cactus like filtered light but no direct sunlight. They also need well-drained soil, moderate watering and fertilization. Keep plants cool and moist while in bloom to extend the flowering season. This year we are selling 3 varieties of Easter Cactus plus the Collection of all three, each in a 4” pot. These plants are budded and will bloom this spring.