Stephania erecta is an unusual caudiciform plant that has a large bulb, or caudex, that somewhat resembles a potato. Spouts appear in early spring followed by stems with round green leaves that have pronounced leaf veins. As the season progresses, the foliage grows taller and can reach 12-18” or more in height. It grows best in bright light, but hot direct sun can burn the bulb. Let the soil dry to the touch between waterings. At the onset of early winter, the plant usually goes dormant and loses most of its leaves. Since it is deciduous, this is completely normal and allows the bulb to rest until the following growing season when it resprouts foliage. This unique plant is popular with houseplant enthusiasts or rare plant collectors.
Hardiness Zone | 10 |
Sun Requirement | Partial Sun |
Grows to | 1-2' |
Minimum Temperature Indoors | 40 |
Plant Type | Easy Grower |